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Rule 343. Judgment Dismissing Appeal


Where a certified copy of the judgment of the district court dismissing an appeal or quashing a supersedeas is received, it shall be entered of record on the minutes of the county court, and the decision, order or judgment of the county court which was appealed from shall stand as if no appeal or supersedeas had been taken or obtained.

Source: Art. 4326, unchanged.

For context only: Art. 4328. Bill of Review. Any person interested may, by a bill of review, filed in the court in which the proceedings were had, have any decision, order or judgment rendered by such court, or by the judge thereof, revised and corrected on showing error therein. But no process or action under such decision, order or judgment shall be stayed except by writ of injunction.

Oct. 29, 1940, eff. Sept. 1, 1941.

Repealed by order of July 22, 1975, eff. Jan. 1, 1976.