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Rule 502.2. Petition (2019)


(a) Contents. To initiate a lawsuit, a petition must be filed with the court. A petition must contain:
    (1) the name of the plaintiff;
    (2) the name, address, telephone number, and fax number, if any, of the plaintiff's attorney, if applicable, or the address, telephone number, and fax number, if any, of the plaintiff;
    (3) the name, address, and telephone number, if known, of the defendant;
    (4) the amount of money, if any, the plaintiff seeks;
    (5) a description and claimed value of any personal property the plaintiff seeks;
    (6) a description of any other relief reqested; (error in order – intended requested?)
    (7) the basis for the plaintiff's claim against the defendant; and
    (8) if the plaintiff consents to email service of the answer and any other motions or pleadings, a statement consenting to email service and email contact information.

Amended by order of Feb. 26th, 2019. Rule 502.2(b) and the form for the just court civil case information sheet are repealed, effective immediately.


Prior Amendments Future Amendments
April 15th, 2013, eff. Aug. 31, 2013