The ACLU South Texas College of Law Houston promotes discussion and awareness of civil liberties issues and works to safeguard civil liberties. It is an official chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, which is an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. Membership is open to all current students, faculty, and staff of South Texas College of Law Houston, regardless of age, creed, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, disability, national origin, or status as a veteran.
RM: 217C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Julianne Castillo |
Vice President | Deisy Villanueva |
Secretary | Vacant |
Treasurer | Laura Garza |
General Officer 1 | Katie Skelton |
General Officer 2 | Vacant |
The Aggie Law Students Association was established to facilitate the recruitment of Texas A&M University graduates to South Texas College of Law Houston, to bring programs to South Texas College of Law Houston for the benefit of all South Texas College of Law Houston students, and to increase awareness of South Texas College of Law Houston in the Texas legal community. Association members also seek to enrich the educational experience and professional development of South Texas College of Law Houston students, as well as develop a strong sense of community by building the bonds already shared by Aggies.
RM: 217C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Allison Brock |
Treasurer | Karsen McCarter |
VP of Alumni Relations | Cody Harris |
VP of Community Service | Brenton Kim |
VP of Socials and Events | Chrissa Jacobson |
Secretary | Emma Cone |
The American Bar Association (ABA) is a voluntary bar association made up of lawyers, judges, law students, and others interested in the law and legal profession. With a membership of well over 400,000 and more than 3,500 entities, it is a major voice for the legal community. The Law Student Division (LSD) is led by law students and works to further the interests of students from all ABA-approved law schools throughout the country.
As a student, you are automatically provided free membership in the Law Student Division and are entitled to several benefits.
Our Vision: The American Constitution Society realizes the promises of the U.S. Constitution by building and leading a diverse legal community that dedicates itself to advancing and defending democracy, justice, equality, and liberty; to securing a government that serves the public interest; and to guarding against the abuse of law and the concentration of power.
Our Mission: ACS believes that the Constitution is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” We interpret the Constitution based on its text and against the backdrop of history and lived experience. Through a diverse nationwide network of progressive lawyers, law students, judges, scholars and many others, we work to uphold the Constitution in the 21st century by ensuring that law is a force for protecting our democracy and the public interest and for improving people’s lives.
Our Values: ACS welcomes a diverse membership into our network from a wide range of communities, including people of different ethnic and racial backgrounds, gender, physical abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, religious and spiritual values, and national origin. These members are critical to ACS’s mission of building and leading a diverse legal community that dedicates itself to advancing and defending democracy, justice, equality, and liberty; to securing a government that serves the public interest; and to guarding against the abuse of law and the concentration of power. All those in the ACS family are called upon to actively and affirmatively participate in creating and promoting a more inclusive and diverse American Constitution Society.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Vacant |
Vice President | Vacant |
Secretary | Vacant |
The Animal Legal Defense Fund South Texas College of Law Houston Chapter (ALDF) is dedicated to providing a forum for education, advocacy and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system, and raising the profile of the field of animal law.
The ALDF is dedicated to the goals of educating the law school and surrounding community about forms of institutionalized animal abuse and engaging in projects that combat that abuse. ALDF is equally dedicated to protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system.
RM: 212
2024-2025 Officers
President | Michaela Woodard |
Vice President | Sara Abraham |
Secretary | Danielle Broyles |
Treasurer | Cathryn Dorries |
Media Director | Robert Larson |
The Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) was formed in 1989 and was the first such chapter in Texas. Through APALSA’s assistance, several other chapters were formed in Texas. The association is active in community projects, speaker forums, and intercollegiate activities with other law schools. It provides academic and social support to its members, facilitates communication with faculty and staff, and works closely with the national and Houston Asian American Bar Association to promote legal education and legal employment opportunities for Asian Americans. In 1991, the organization assisted the Asian American Bar Association of Houston in establishing a scholarship program at South Texas College of Law Houston. In 1993, APALSA Organized and sponsored the first Asian National Moot Court Competition – the Thomas Tang Moot Court Competition. APALSA is currently actively involved with the formation of the first Asian American Legal Center of Texas which is dedicated to providing the Asian Pacific American community with multilingual, culturally sensitive legal services and civic education.
RM: 211C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Christine Huang |
Vice President | Reva Mulani |
Secretary | Laura Ahn |
Treasurer | Nathan Le |
Social Chair | Kelly Miau |
We are a group of Baylor University alumni that seek to facilitate the recruitment of Baylor University alumni to South Texas College of Law Houston with exposure to the legal community and opportunities for fellowship and charitable service. Association members seek to enrich the educational experience and professional development of South Texas College of Law Houston students, as well as develop a strong sense of community by building the bonds already shared by former Baylor Bears.
2024-2025 Officers
President | |
Vice President | |
Secretary | |
Treasurer |
The Black Law Students Association, Inc. (BLSA) was founded in 1967 at New York University. A chapter was established at South Texas College of Law Houston in 1983. Since its founding, BLSA has been active in sponsoring a variety of speakers, academic support activities and social events, including co-hosting the national BLSA meeting in 1987. BLSA also assists in recruiting minority students and speaks on behalf of its members to the administration, faculty and student body. The BLSA chapter supports participation in the Frederick Douglass (BLSA) Moot Court Competition.
RM: 213
2024-2025 Officers
President | Marchion “Marc” Wynne II |
Vice President | Kayla Baxter |
Secretary | Zoey Johnson |
Treasurer | Dakota Simmons |
Director of Public Relations | Brittani Coleman |
Director of the Events Committee | Kendall Hoofe |
Community Outreach Chair | Jasmine Shaw |
Marketing Chair | Corey Layton |
Academic Chair | Carl Jackson |
Part-Time Student Liaison | Jada Caesar |
2024-2025 Board of Advocates
The Business Law Society (BLS) is an organization for students interested in business-related law topics. We strive to appeal to the more entrepreneurial type of student and promote a more transactional-focused narrative in our activities and education. Our members are committed to broadening our knowledge and exploring opportunities in a business-focused environment.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Samita Surmawala |
Vice President | Maud Hage |
Treasurer | Jane Stavinoha |
Secretary | Monica Prieto |
Communications Chair | Ava Bozovsky |
1L Representative | Vacant |
2L Representative | Vacant |
The Christian Legal Society sponsors discussions among its members and Christian lawyers, judges and law students as a means of exploring ways of integrating the Christian faith into the practice of law.
RM: 214C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Nicholas Pelker |
The Criminal Law Society of South Texas College of Law Houston provides a forum for students to discuss issues in the field of criminal justice, to associate with other students who have an interest in criminal law, and to network with judges, prosecutors and defense lawyers, and other legal professionals in the field.
RM: 212
2024-2025 Officers
President | Jonathan Barbara |
Vice President | Jordan Firebaugh |
Treasurer | Victoria Mata |
Secretary | Jessie Page |
Delta Theta Phi – International EE Townes Senate
Requirements for Joining Members:
Delta Theta Phi, EE Townes Senate, has a proud tradition of accepting all law students in good standing. History has shown that any student who graduates and passes the State Bar may go on to become an outstanding attorney. We ask only that you join, engage in our activities, and go forth to uphold the good reputation of our beloved fraternity.
The purpose of this club shall be to increase law students’ effectiveness in the American Political Process and promote employment opportunities within all levels of government and law. We are committed to supporting student growth and the importance of law in the American Political Process. We will stride for nonpartisan education and philanthropic opportunities within our community. Our organization will seek to network our members with local candidates, incumbents, appointed officials, and any alumnus or Democratic Party members interested.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Hannah Roberts |
Vice President | Sydney Young |
Treasurer | Julie Ramos |
Secretary | Amanda Tryling |
Attorney General | Mauricio Ollervides |
Texas Democrat Lawyer Association Liaison | William Ayers-Briseno |
Social Media Chair | Mirah Royce |
Philanthropy Chair | Allison Klinge |
Fundraising Chair | Damaris Sanchez |
As advocates and allies for the rights of disabled people at South Texas College of Law Houston (STCL Houston) and the entire Houston area, we pledge to promote an environment of equality, understanding, and harmony for people with disabilities (both temporary and permanent) by providing campus-wide programs to raise awareness, acceptance, and visibility, and to serve as a link between disabled individuals and their allies, and the law school, and the community at large.
The Dispute Resolution Board (“DRB”) formerly known as the Alternative Dispute Resolution Advocates (“ADRA”) is an organization that has been recently revived as a student branch of the Frank Evans Center for Conflict Resolution at South Texas College of Law Houston. The organization is comprised of law students who are interested in learning more about Mediation, Negotiation, and Arbitration. The organization provides opportunities for students to improve their communication skills to aid in their effectiveness as future attorneys.
2024-2025 Officers
Co-President | Sumeyye Islamoglu |
Co-President | Archita Nair |
Treasurer | Vacant |
The Environmental Law Society is open to students interested in environmental law issues. The group sponsors speakers who focus on environmental topics and participates in environmental programs sponsored by various community interest groups.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Sheema Baghalian |
Vice President | Baleigh Weidenhamer |
Secretary | Aricia Amaro |
Treasurer | Alexandra Yarrow |
Liaison | Jonathan Tirk |
The Family Law & Probate Legal Society is committed to promoting and articulating the professional networking and employment needs of its members by fostering, encouraging, developing and facilitating professional conduct and success; utilizing members’ legal training, both as individuals and as an organization, to create a positive environment within our profession and our community.
RM: 213C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Brooke Skiles |
Vice President | Ashlee Guevara |
Treasurer | Aubrie Rhodes |
Secretary | Aubrie Rhodes |

The purpose of the society is to foster critical thought and debate about the application of conservative principles to the law. The society embraces 48 the principle that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to the integrity of the Constitution of the United States of America, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is–not what it should be. The society seeks both to promote an awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities. This entails reordering priorities within the legal system so as to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law. It also entails restoring recognition of these norms among lawyers, judges, law students, and professors.
Room 215C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Adie Schlenker |
Vice President | Ryan Lanier |
Treasurer | Elizabeth “Lizzy” Stevenson |
Information Director | Alex Lam |
Director of Events | Eric Wang |
Director of Events | Michael Fedotov |
Director of Events | Madeleine Stolzer |
Director of Events | Robert Fowkes |
Director of Events | Charles “Thomas” May |
Students enrolled in South Texas College of Law Houston who identify as first-generation students compose a diverse community of the student body, with a variety of backgrounds. This includes students who grew up in working-class or low-income communities, students who are first in their family to attend college, and students who are first in their family to attend professional school. This student body struggles from fairly unique difficulties. First-generation students find themselves with gaps of knowledge and lack of guidance that can put them at a disadvantage when dealing with the high demands of law school. These students persevere through these arduous challenges without the benefit of a blueprint for law school or professional situations, or additional familial and social expectations. To meet its collective needs, the law students at the South Texas College of Law Houston have joined to form the First-Generation Law Students.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Julianne Castillo |
Vice President | Angelina Mullins |
Secretary | Lillie “Grace” Fischer |
Treasurer | Aubrie Rhodes |
Communication Chair | Cristal Ocampo |
Social Chair | Gabriela Cauton |
The Health Law Society members include students who are health care professionals as well as those who are simply interested in today’s health care industry. The society is composed of students who have the common goal of promoting an enhanced understanding of today’s complex health law issues.
RM: 212
2024-2025 Officers
President | Jordan Ponce de Leon |
Vice President | Dakota Simmons |
Secretary | Kryss Schofield |
Treasurer | Sarah Abraham |
The Hispanic Law Students Association (HLSA) was founded in 1984 to promote and assist in the educational needs and professional goals of Hispanic law students. HLSA’s activities, include monthly meetings, speaker forums, community projects, fund raising for the HLSA scholarship program, and social gatherings with prominent practicing attorneys and guest speakers. HLSA also aids in the recruitment and orientation of first-year Hispanic students.
RM: 215C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Julie Ramos |
Vice President | Karina Tovar |
Secretary | Alexis Acevedo |
Treasurer | Laura Garza |
Public and Alumni Ambassador | Mauricio Ollervides |
2L Representative | Britney Parada |
Pro-Bono Ambassador | Marianna Gonzalez |
Social Ambassador | Alan Gamboa |
Communication Ambassador | Britany Gaona |
The Hunting and Rifle Association (HURA) promotes the safe and responsible practice of hunting and firearm sports while advocating for the conservation of wildlife and their habitats. We are committed to cultivating an environment of inclusion and respect, and to fostering a sense of camaraderie among our members. We strive to promote hunting sportsmanship and foster an appreciation of the outdoors for preserving wildlife and the hunting tradition.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Alejandro Rodriguez |
Vice President | Matthew King |
Secretary | Travis Hlavinka |
Treasurer | Hunter Howard |
Public Relations Director | Abigail Beam |
The Immigration Law Society is dedicated to the development of future immigration law advocates. We seek to connect South Texas College of Law Houston students with the immigrant community as well as with practitioners through its various events and panels. We provide support for students who wish to engage in immigration pro bono opportunities and pursue immigration work as attorneys. Immigration Law Society’s goal is to promote the importance of immigration law and international issues.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Christian “Chris” Peck |
Vice President | Vacant |
Secretary | Elvia Sanchez |
Treasurer | Scarlet Barcenas |
Public Relations & Marketing Chair | Jewel Trueba |
The Intellectual Property and Technology Law Society was formed to educate students about intellectual property and technology law, including trademarks, patents, copyright, false advertising, trade secrets, unfair competition, biotechnology law, genetic engineering law, computer law and space law. The organization’s goals are to inform students about recent developments and court rulings in this area, to generate student awareness and interest in the field, and to explore career opportunities for students in intellectual property and technology law. Through monthly meetings, the society offers students a chance to hear key speakers in discrete areas of intellectual property and technology law. The society also has an “on reserve” file containing information, articles, and statistical information about the practice of intellectual property law and membership forms to various ABA and privately sponsored intellectual property law associations, both local and national.
RM: 211C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Christine Huang |
Vice President | Maryam Nasizadeh |
Secretary | Vacant |
Treasurer | Kevin He |
The mission of the International Law and National Security Society is to (a) foster interest in, and understanding of, the legal and policy aspects and ramifications of international law and national security law, (b) to aid members in their pursuits of careers in these fields; and (c) to contribute to the development of the law as it relates to national and international security.
RM: 210C
2024-2025 Officers
Director, International Law | Jesse Givens |
Director, National Security | Joshua Bristol |
Treasurer | Vacant |
Social Media Director | Vacant |
The Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) is a venue for students to network and discuss subjects of common interest, whether of a legal nature, Judaic nature, or comparison of the two. It connects South Texas College of Law Houston with the local Jewish community and other educational institutions.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Ari Schwartzberg |
Vice President | Madeleine Stolzer |
Treasurer | Grant Schneider |
Secretary | Vacant |
1L Representative | Vacant |
1L Representative | Vacant |
Lawtina Network’s purpose is to provide networking opportunities for members, develop a greater fellowship amongst its members and the legal community, and work in close cooperation with the Lawtina Network Summit.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Britney Parada |
Vice President | Maria Jose Lopez |
Treasurer | Britany Gaona |
Secretary | Monica Prieto |
Social Media Chair | Angelina Mullins |
2L Representative | Alicia Garza |
The Muslim Legal Society seeks to foster a community of religious understanding and open up opportunities for Muslims and non-Muslims alike to learn more about Islam and the impact it has on our lives throughout this legal journey.
RM: 211C
2024-2025 Officers
The National Lawyers Guild is an association dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system. NLG seeks to unite the lawyers, law students, legal workers and jailhouse lawyers of America in an organization that shall function as an effective political and social force in the service of the people, to the end that human rights shall be more sacred than property interests.
NLG’s aim is to bring together all those who recognize the importance of safeguarding and extending the rights of workers, women, farmers and minority groups, upon whom the welfare of the entire nation depends; who seek actively to eliminate racism; who work to maintain and protect our civil rights and liberties in the face of persistent attacks upon them; and who look upon the law as an instrument for the protection of the people, rather than for their repression. The South Texas College of Law Houston chapter seeks to build community on the STCL campus, create opportunities for networking between progressive and radical law students and lawyers, and champion progressive and radical causes at STCL, in Houston, and beyond. We work extensively with NLG chapters at other Texoma region law schools as well as the Texoma NLG chapter.
The mission of the Night O.W.L.S. is to advocate and implement student success initiatives aimed at assisting the students attending part-time, including expanding scholastic resources to ensure student success; develop and foster a solid mentoring program for the part-time students tailored to their specific challenges; and leverage resources to promote South Texas College of Law Houston and the part-time students.
The South Texas College of Law Houston Oil and Gas Law Society was formed to provide networking and various opportunities to students interested in the oil, gas and/or energy industry as well as to promote South Texas College of Law Houston in the oil, gas and/or energy legal communities.
RM: 303C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Drew Douglass |
Vice President | Yanairem “Nani” Moreno |
Secretary | John “Trent” McMillan |
Treasurer | Abigail Galvan |
Events Coordinator | Cody Harris |
Energy Newsletter Editor in Chief | Vacant |
Social Media Coordinator | Sarah Abraham |
A Community for the LGBTQ+ and Allies
OutLaw educates, advises, and informs its members and the STCLH community about issues and concerns, particularly in the practice of law, that affect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people. Since its formation in 1994, OutLaw (previously known as AMICUS) has served to establish a greater voice and respect for LGBTQ+ people at the College. By providing a forum that brings LGBTQ+ students into contact not only with each other, but also with other faculty, administrators, staff, and alumni who share their goals, OutLaw promotes an enhanced sense of LGBTQ+ community at South Texas. And the College community, in general, benefits from the social and educational programs that OutLaw sponsors, both independently and in conjunction with other student organizations.
RM: 213C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Brandt Wild |
Vice President | Lourdes Zavaleta |
Treasurer | Christian Peck |
Secretary | Max De Leon |
Student Outreach | Sydney Young |
Social Chair | Alexis Orlin |
2L Representative | Jewel Trueba |
2024-2025 Officers
President | Maya Zaid |
Vice President | Giovanni Agosto |
Secretary | Marlen Iriogyen |
Treasurer | Jacqeualine Johnston |
Public Relations | Mariana Gonzalez |
2L Representative | Matthew Alarcon |
1L Representative | Junior Gallo |
1L Representative | Shanelle Shojaei |
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity – The Samuel Houston Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta is a professional organization serving the legal profession, law students, and the community. Phi Alpha Delta is composed of law students, attorneys, judges, and educators. Phi Alpha Delta is dedicated to promoting professional competency, service and achievement within the legal profession.
Phi Delta Phi International Fraternity – The South Texas College of Law Houston Chapter of Phi Delta Phi promotes the intellectual, social and professional qualities that a law student is expected to bring to the bar.
To be eligible for membership, students must have completed one semester, be ranked in the top third of their class, and not belong to another legal fraternity.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Deena Chahadeh |
Vice President | Alexis Acevedo |
Treasurer | Zoey Woodard |
Secretary | Dominic Vela |
Historian | Maci Westerfield |
The Real Estate and Construction Law Society (RECLS) is a student organization focused on educating law students about the legal field of real estate and construction in the Houston area. Being a member of RECLS offers several advantages, such as academic support, speaker events with attorneys in the industry, and career opportunities.
RM: 214C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Miles Miller |
Vice President | Matthew Alarcon |
Treasurer/Secretary | Kanika Draksharam |
Communications/Alumni Relations Director | Alisha Patel |
The Republican Law Students Association of South Texas College of Law Houston was established to increase the effectiveness of law students in the American political process and promote employment opportunities with judiciary and practicing bar. While primarily committed to sponsoring nonpartisan political education programs that promote and foster an informed electorate, the organization also seeks to promote the philosophy of the Republican Party by supporting Republican incumbents and candidates for election.
RM: 215C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Ernesto Gamez |
Vice President | Andrew Willi |
Treasurer | Eric Wang |
Secretary | Savannah Laroe |
Events and Marketing Coordinator | Michael Fedotov |
Program Director | Elizabeth “Lizzy” Stevenson |
The mission of the South Asian Law Students Association it to provide an avenue for the South Asian and broader minority community to succeed in the field of law; we aim to provide opportunities for members to better themselves, network, professionally prosper, and to serve their community.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Archita Nair |
Vice President | Vacant |
Treasurer | Vacant |
Secretary | Vacant |
General Officer | Vacant |
General Officer | Vacant |
South Texas College of Law Houston University of Texas Exes provides former University of Texas students with exposure to the legal community and opportunities for fellowship and charitable service.
RM: 210C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Serena Martin |
Vice President | Joseph Munoz |
Treasurer | Rachel Rosinski |
Secretary | Christian Gonzales |
Public Relations | Kanika Draksharam |
Social Chair | Sam Kaminsky |
Alumni Relations | Kevin He |
Student Relations | Anna Reckling |
Ex-Officio | Jack Haimowitz |
The Sports and Entertainment Law Society at South Texas College of Law Houston was established to promote and foster general community knowledge and awareness of this particular area of law. The organization provides academic support, speaker programs and networking opportunities for law students wishing to share common interests and experiences.
RM: 210C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Caleb Ortega |
Vice President of Sports | Hayden Janner |
Vice President of Entertainment | Ashley Fortner |
Secretary | Brittani Coleman |
Treasurer | Alicia Garza |
Social Media Chair | Alissa Longenecker |
Fundraising Chair | Vacant |
We are a group of University of Houston alumni that seek to facilitate the recruitment of University of Houston alumni to South Texas College of Law Houston with exposure to the legal community and opportunities for fellowship and charitable service. Association members seek to enrich the educational experience and professional development of South Texas College of Law Houston students, as well asdevelop a strong sense of community by building the bonds already shared by University of Houston alumni.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Jordan Ponce de Leon |
Vice President | Brittani Coleman |
Secretary | Elvia Sanchez |
Treasurer | Erika Melendez |
Student Bar Association (SBA) is the student government organization at the South Texas College of Law Houston. Every student in the law school is a member of the SBA. The SBA is a charter member of the American Law Student Association, sponsored by the American Bar Association.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Hamza Abuharb |
Vice President | Maud Hage |
The Tax Law Society at South Texas College of Law Houston promotes an academic environment conducive to the study of law and encourages among its members the highest ethical standards, and provides a foundation for a structured and harmonious relationship among the student body, faculty, administration, alumni, and the practicing legal profession.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Alan Gamboa |
Vice President | Karina Tovar |
Secretary | Emily Blanco |
Treasurer | Stephanie Meckel |
Community Outreach Officer | Alexis Acevedo |
Historian | Kathleen Sandoval |
Part-time Rep | Jamar Blake |
Interested in becoming active in the State Bar of Texas while in law school? You can do so by joining the Law Student Division of the State Bar of Texas. All practicing attorneys in Texas are required to be a member of the State Bar of Texas. The Law Student Division allows law students to become involved with the State Bar early in their law career.
The mission of the South Texas College of Law Houston Veteran Law Students Association includes providing its members with opportunities for fellowship with former and current military service members, network with alumni and future employers, and partnering with other student organizations to student veterans and their families.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Matthew Alarcon |
Vice President | Harrison Punches |
Treasurer | Philip Scoles |
Secretary | Ernesto Gamez |
Service Chair | Andrew Willi |
Education Chair | Vacant |
2L Representative | Julisa Rodriguez |
1L Representative | Vacant |
Sergeant at Arms | Mike Olenick |
Our mission is to promote and advance the interests of Women Law Students, while encouraging mentorship and peer support among our members.
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas please feel free to contact the officers at
RM: 214C
2024-2025 Officers
President | Jordan Firebaugh |
Vice President | Michaela Woodard |
Treasurer | Hayden Janner |
Secretary | Maya Zaid |
Communications Chair | Reva Mulani |
Public Relations Chair | Alisha Patel |
3L Representative | Katie Jenson |
2L Representative | Desmin Johnson |
1L Representative | Shanelle Shojaei |
Part-Time Representative | Jessica Vandine |