Delta Theta Phi – International EE Townes Senate

Requirements for Joining Members:

Delta Theta Phi, EE Townes Senate, has a proud tradition of accepting all law students in good standing. History has shown that any student who graduates and passes the State Bar may go on to become an outstanding attorney. We ask only that you join, engage in our activities, and go forth to uphold the good reputation of our beloved fraternity.

How to Join:

You may go by the Delta Theta Phi office in Room 301 and fill out an application. There are applications outside the door or you can stop by when someone is in. There is a Life-Time Membership fee of $95.00. As of January 1, 2015 it will go to $110.00. You will receive a Delta Theta Phi pin, membership certificate, and a subscription to “The Paper Book,” a Delta Theta Phi magazine. For more information, email

About Delta Theta Phi:

The E.E. Townes Senate of Delta Theta Phi was chartered at South Texas College of Law Houston on July 20, 1956 and is an extension of the National Delta Theta Phi Fraternity.  Many famous people are members of this fraternity: President Lyndon Johnson, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day Oconner, and Senator Tower of Texas, just to name a few. For a great ride through the history of Delta Theta Phi, go to the National Delta Theta Phi History web page.

Delta Theta Phi contributes to student life by sponsoring events with the Student Bar Association, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Big Bothers and Big Sisters of Southeast Texas, and Texas Southern University-Burns Senate.

On occasion, initiations are held at the Kirby Mansion, 2000 Smith St. amidst distinguished alumni and active student members.


Delta Theta Phi makes a National Scholarship Award each year to its midlaw members in the top 7.5 percent of their class and senior members in the top 15 percent of their class.  The EE Townes Senate also awards the Carmody Delts Scholarship, funded by Kenneth H. Burns, to members who have demonstrated leadership and service to the fraternity.  Once each year, the E.E. Townes Senate presents the Bert H. Tunks Award to its outstanding student member.

For other awards offered by Delta Theta Phi, go to AWARDS FOR STUDENTS, STUDENT SENATES, ALUMNI & ALUMNI SENATES at the National Delta Theta Phi Fraternity web site.


The Adelphia Law Journal is a cooperative enterprise intended to serve the local senates of Delta Theta Phi. The Adelphia publishes articles, notes, and commentaries reflecting both legal analysis and literary expression; and, as a reflection of its accomplishments, was in 1985 accepted by the Index to Legal Periodicals as well as other similar indexes, reference guides and authorities.

Every year, the National Editorial Board of the Adelphia chooses a senate from among those which apply to undertake the rigorous challenge of editing and publishing that years’ issue of the review.  Once chosen, the senate is committed to extensive editorial review, proof-reading, and cite-checking of all submissions.

Other Membership Benefits:

RM: 301C

2022-2023 Officers

DeanChloe Harp Rasmussen

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity – The Samuel Houston Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta is a professional organization serving the legal profession, law students, and the community. Phi Alpha Delta is composed of law students, attorneys, judges, and educators. Phi Alpha Delta is dedicated to promoting professional competency, service and achievement within the legal profession. Phi Alpha Delta sponsors professional and educational programs geared toward the development of practical “lawyering” skills and designed to supplement and maximize the law school experience. Phi Alpha Delta is the largest global legal organization with more than 170,000 living members. 1 out of 6 American attorney is a member of Phi Alpha Delta. Many of Phi Alpha Delta’s practicing attorneys and judges who need law clerks or associates look to the fraternity first. Some of our benefits include: scholarships and loans, outline files, course supplements, law school survival tips, a variety of discount programs on national companies and items, and an excellent way to network with students, faculty members, judges, and practicing lawyers. Membership is open to those pursuing a legal career and those already serving as legal professionals.
National Phi Alpha Delta Website

RM: 302C

Phi Delta Phi International Fraternity – The South Texas College of Law Houston Chapter of Phi Delta Phi promotes the intellectual, social and professional qualities that a law student is expected to bring to the bar.  Phi Delta Phi, established in 1869, is the oldest national legal fraternity in the Western Hemisphere.  Our chapter of Phi Delta Phi, the Wood Inn, was chartered in 1982 and initiates new and honorary members each semester.  To be eligible for membership, students must have completed one semester, be ranked in the top third of their class, and not belong to another legal fraternity.

The Wood Inn has many prominent alumni ranging from partners in the world’s largest law firms to Texas appellate court justices.  On a broader scope, five of the nine justices of the United States Supreme Court are members of the Fraternity, and more than 177,000 men and women have been initiated as members since 1869.

The Wood Inn participates in various school, professional and community service projects and presents Highest Class Grade Certificates to South Texas College of Law Houston students each semester.

Additionally, the Wood Inn benefits its members by providing access to scholarships, student loans, and networking activities. The fraternity’s Balfour Scholarship Awards provide ten $2,000 scholarship grants to Phi Delta Phi members each year. More than $232,750 in scholarship service awards were distributed during the past decade. Phi Delta Phi also has a Student Loan Program with assets of more than $230,000 to be allocated to qualifying members in their final year of law school.

National Phi Delta Phi Website

RM: 304C

2024 – 2025 Officers

PresidentDeena Chahadeh
Vice PresidentAlexis Acevedo
TreasurerZoey Woodard
SecretaryDominic Vela
HistorianMaci Westerfield

For more information, contact

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