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Student Spotlight: Meredith Mire, 2L

Meet Meredith Mire, 2L and learn more about her story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center.  Why did you choose to attend South Texas College of Law Houston?  STCL Houston has always been...

Student Spotlight: Brandt Wild, 2L

Meet Brandt Wild, 2L and learn more about his story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center.  Why did you choose to attend South Texas Law?  I chose South Texas because of the school’s...

Student Spotlight: Ana Navas, 1L

Meet Ana Navas, 1L and learn more about her story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center.  Why did you choose to attend South Texas Law?  I came to an open house and heard...

Student Spotlight: Leonard Lynce, Jr., 3L

Meet Leonard Lynce, Jr. and learn more about his story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center.  Why did you choose to attend South Texas College of Law Houston? I decided to go to...

Student Spotlight: Hanadi Pejdah, 2L

Why did you choose to attend STCL Houston?  I knew I wanted to stay and practice in Houston. When I learned more about South Texas, it was a clear choice for law school. It’s such a cool community of people,...

Student Spotlight: Ray Clarage, 2L

Meet Ray Clarage, 2L, and learn more about his story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center.  Why did you choose to attend South Texas College of Law Houston? I chose to attend South...

Student Spotlight: Janie Wilbur, 2L

Meet Janie Wilbur, 2L, and learn more about her story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center.  Why did you choose to attend South Texas College of Law Houston?  South Texas College of Law...
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