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Prof. Charles “Rocky” Rhodes

kicked off a recent Houston Matters episode with a 12-minute interview segment titled, “Could a Supreme Court decision striking down Alabama’s congressional maps lead to the same thing in Texas?” He discussed the rationales of opinions in Allen v. Milligan,…

Professor Dru Stevenson

In The New York Times, STCL Houston Professor Dru Stevensonshared his perspective on a new law in Texas that bars state agencies from working with a firm that “discriminates” against companies or individuals in the gun industry. He called the law “bad public…

Professor Josh Blackman

spoke to The New York Times in May 2023 about Ken Paxton’s ability to survive his legal woes by fighting for conservative causes.

Professor Dru Stevenson

was interviewed on Town Square with Ernie Manouse on the one-year anniversary of the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde — the deadliest school shooting in Texas history. Prof. Stevenson discussed what has been done legislatively in the State of Texas…

*Professor Dru Stevenson

who has written extensively on gun laws, recently spoke with The Dallas Morning News about the Allen massacre and existing gun laws. “If they had some sort of tribunal or proceeding and adjudicated him to have a mental impairment or…

Professor Dru Stevenson

spoke with Fox 29 in San Antonio, TX about firearm deaths reaching new highs in Texas. “While it’s true that deaths from firearms are increasing at the same time as Texas has loosened gun restrictions, significant cultural, social and economic…

Professor Charles Rhodes

spoke with the New York Times about the legal theory under the Texas wrongful death act for the ex-husband bringing a claim against those assisting with an illegal abortion. “There are clear violations of Texas law in this case with…

*Professor Josh Blackman

spoke with Heromag about a Biden legal nominee helping a group opposing his administration. “If he is indeed conservative, then maybe it wasn’t the best move for Republicans to oppose his nomination,” said Blackman.

Professor Josh Blackman

spoke with Verified News Explorer Network about a code of ethics being enforced for members of the Supreme Court. “Once such a code exists, there is no simple way for it to become ‘binding’ or ‘self-enforcing’.”

*Professor Derek Fincham

shared his thoughts with iNow.info on the art world redefining what ownership means. “The law has long rested on the idea that you cannot sell what you do not have.” 
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